Saturday, June 15, 2013

pbs_iff: file not setuid root.

I installed Beowolf cluster using maui and torque.
I added "jobsub1" as operator and manager and also set "jobsub1" as job submit host.
After that I tried to submit job from user jobsub1.
But I come across following error. 
pbs_iff: file not setuid root, likely misconfigured
pbs_iff: cannot connect to headnode:15001 - fatal error, errno=13 (Permission denied) cannot bind to
port 1023 in client_to_svr - errno: 13 Permission denied
No Permission.
qsub: cannot connect to server headnode (errno=15007) Unauthorized Request.
To resolve this error I just change the permission of pbs_iff file.
chmod 4755 /opt/torque/sbin/pbs_iff
After typing ls -l it shows.
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 18729 Apr  2 16:42 /opt/torque/sbin/pbs_iff
And the problem is solved.
Here 's' means sticky bit which allow to all user to  run this executable 
with root permission. 